Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Memo #8 HJ Bennett

I have given two surveys and a set of interviews to my students.  Both have given me insight to my class.  Although some students have given me feedback regarding other classes at our school, I have enough info pertaining to my class to work with. First of all, not everyone is a fan of small group work.  A fair number enjoy the vibes given off by full class participation. A larger number prefer working alone at their own pace without distractions or the demands to socialize. Many enjoy the interaction and cooperation that a small group offers. They like the independence and ability to call the shots while working out who is the boss and who are the worker bees. I am kept busy taking notes, making observations and keeping up to date with my participation chart.

1 comment:

  1. I like that you are focusing on the process of small groups as well as the content. What specific things are you learning from your observations?


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